别再老是用”of course”了!看看怎样才表达得体!

别再老是用”of course”了!看看怎样才表达得体!


Of course是最常被滥用的英文句子,我们常用得理直气壮,浑然不知得罪人了。来看看底下两个例子:


A: Do you hear what the boss said?(你有听到老板说什么吗?)

B: Of course!(当然)=> 隐含:我怎么可能没听到!

A: Do you speak English?(你会说英文吗?)

B: Of course!(当然)=> 隐含:我怎么不会讲!


我们经常很理所当然的把of course当做yes来回答,中外皆然。前阵子纽约时报有一篇文叫做”Of course, of course”,作者在当天纽约时报就一天的新闻里’挑出了九几个不必用”of course”却用了的例子。他说, of course 几乎变成了新闻口头禅。讲“当然了”用意固然是强调,,但有它经常也表露出高傲、目中无人。


A colleague points out that “of course” risks becoming a tic in our stories. Sometimes the phrase is warranted for emphasis or, far less often, as a sly comment. But often it serves little purpose and can be omitted with no loss. Occasionally “of course” carries a whiff of condescension or superciliousness that should give us pause.


文章里出现的of course,很多是可以省略的。我们来看看口语对话中怎么用这个词。



A: Do you know how to spell the word?

B: Of course.


但这么用of course就显得自大了。这里面隐含着What a stupid question!,我怎么可能不会。这时候你回答Yes/sure都可以。


Of course用好,也可以恰如其份。当你说of course的时候,表示这是一件不证自明的事。例如:


A: Can you help me?

B: Of course!


你很乐意帮忙,用Of course!意思是:“我当然愿意帮助你了,这还用问吗?”也可以用Sure/certainly。


Of course的否定是of course not。例句:


A: Do you mind if I open the window?(你介意我开窗户吗?)

B: Of course not.(当然不会。)


这时候,Of course not来得正是时候!




六西格玛 优思学院

